Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Days 1 Night with a Zombie

Annyeong ~_~
So....how have you all been...?
soz for being uncreative :(
i really don't know what i should write for the intro..

Over the last wewek, i have spent 3 days and 1 night with my Zombie cousin Helen.
Why is she a zombie?
Well, she was fine on the first day but on the second day...MUAHAHAHA read on to find out xD hehehe

Tuesday - 25/06
We got to the city at about 11(?) and first thing we did was take stickies!

My favourites the one with the huge bows and glasses hehe
I dislike this machine >.<
It made our eyes look scary :(

Pretty Helen after the shoot :)

Editing ^^

After that we had to rush to the top floor of Myer center to watch Despicable Me2!!!
Along with our Bubble tea~

We had to rush because the movie started at 12:10 and by the time we got our tickets it was about 12:30 T^T
BUT it was actually a good thing as we only had to watch a tiny bit of advertisement and the movie started :D YAY

I normally aren't very interested in movies..actually i almost never watch movies at all @.@ unlike Chloe who watches every single movie there is, including stripper movies :L

I secretly got a few photos of minions because they were so adorable xD

The minions get captured and turned into monster minions >.<

After the movie we went to the toilet and discovered some wonderful lighting :)
Lolz the toilet -.-


Helen wanted to get some OPI nail polish so we went to myer store and went to the makeup section. 
And lucky us, there was a buy one get one free special at Revlon so i got their famous lip butter in Strawberry Shortcake and a Special care/top/base coat nail polish :)

Meanwhile Helen was trying almost every colour she could see T^T

After trying on all the Revlon nail polishes she decided that OPI was better so she went and tried on more colours =_=

We ended up staying there for over a hour because Helen couldn't decide which pink she should get and the thing is, to me the pinks look exactly the same....it actually does ok 
Anyways after she finally decided on one, she went ahead and payed @20!! for one nail polish...
I know its OPI but i think its so not worth it :/
But she was happy so meh ~

After she finally decided which colour to buy, we were starving since it was way pass lunch time so, we went to City Wok :)
It's a Taiwanese restaurant btw

Us ordering...
  I ordered with both the English and Chinese menu since i wanted to make sure i order something i was going to like (the title sometimes can be misleading..if you get what i mean)

But in the end, my order turned out not to be what i expected anyways...speechless....
On the Chinese menu it said 麻辣面 which means spicy noodles but on the English menu it said sesame noodles...so i figured that maybe the sesame was spicy...hmmmm i was wrong but it was still good so all goods! ^^

Helen got Taiwanese fried rice:
She thought it would taste different from Chinese fried rice but it turned out to be similar but it was still so yummy :3

And as an extra, we got spicy fried chicken (a famous taiwanese night market snack) and gosh it was so spicy T.T i nearly cried

Although we were so full that we couldn't even finish our orders, our stomach manged to save space for dessert so we went to Passion Tree :3
I swear all the froyo shops have the best interior :O

Waiting for our froyo~

Ahhhh mini macaroons are so cute ^^

We got Pom flavour with granola, blueberry macaroon and strawberry chocolate for toppings
As always, froyo never disappoints me :) 

Helen's wish of taking a photo with the froyo..

After I took a selfie with my froyo

she was determined to take one too haha

Then we took some selfies together

By the time we walked out of there it was already really late but we still wanted to do some shopping since that was our original goal... so we quickly went to Cotton On and Jay Jays

trying on hats:

I ended up getting these
I got the first shirt because of the wolf...Exo fans will know what i'm referring to right? kekeke

Also last weekend, me and mummy pig went to garden city and i got a nice comfy hoodie at Cotton On Body for $15 :D

Later i went to Helen's house to have dinner and then started acting like 2 drunk ahjussis >.>

tried doing the splits and failed miserably xD

Tried on our new clothes~~ 

I was very satisfied with how my curls turned out that day so i took a few selfies when i got home but you can't see it that well since its tied up..

Although we did shop a little, we didn't go to a lot of shops that had huge sales as we didn't have any time left

Saturday - 29/06
Other day at the city!
But this time solely for shopping :)

Because the minions from Despicable Me was so adorable, me and Helen couldn't give up the chance to take a photo with one so:

Kyaaa its so cute :D
Btw that's David, my cousin, Helen's brother :)
He actually has big eyes but as you can see, he isn't very good in front of cameras so yea..

So at the beginning i said Helen was a zombie right? 
this is where it started
After we took the photo at Sunnybank, we took the bus to the city and on the bus, she said she felt sick and wanted to vomit @.@
At the time, i thought it was bus sick (lol although its only 20 minutes..)
Anyways i didn't think was anything serious when we were on the bus
then when we got off the bus, she seriously walked like a zombie and went to the toilet twice in like 10 minutes so i was quite worried by then
later when we went to get Chatime, she did the asian squat and looked pale so i was definitely worried and also scared that she was gonna puke on me >.<
Seeing as she couldn't even work like a normal person, we decided to get lunch at Pancake Manor and it turns out................she was just hungry........................

One thing i love about Pancake Manor is the interior design :)
It looks like a castle xD

Especially the Chandeliers 

I got the Waffle with choco fudge

Helen got bananarama (banana pancake)

a basket of chips (literally)

and together with our Chatimes

Our lunch~

Helen living her model dream again, this time with chips..

My plate of shame....
The waffle got soggy after i spread the choco fudge on it so..it didn't taste good anymore and i kinda played with it...a little... 

After lunch Helen was human again and it was time to shop

We went to Eluzabeth Arcade since it was near Pancake Manor and i am so glad we did!
This shop had a huge sale for the two racks outside (1 for $30, 2 for $40, 3 for $50)
This may not sound that cheap but if compared with the original price, it is such a bargain
I got 3 items for $50 and the original price added up to $200 so i got them for a quarter of the original price O.O DAEBAK

Were the items daebak too? yep DAE TO THE BAK! xD
 Originally $70
I love the detail on the shirt 

Originally $80 

Originally $50

Changing room selfie :)
Do you see why i'm so satisfied? The cloth and price are both so good :DDDDDD 

More shopping

Cat ears~

Helen's obsession with perfume -sigh-

Being attractive

Proper photo haha
sorry for scaring you -_-

Devil beanies!

It soon got late and we were on our way back

Feeling tired on bus

We had hotpot for dinner and then say karaoke!
Helen singing 'Pretty Boy' joined by me half way through xD
Soz if i scared you at the end ^^

We gave our face a nice skin treatment at 12am lol
Helen's chin was too short so her mask was all stuffed up in the bottom half hahaha

Bed selfies (did i mention Helen's at my house for a sleepover?)

The next day!
Helen suddenly had the urge to learn a kpop dance @.@
And as a 过来人, i was her teacher of course
She decided on Oh! by snsd
so we danced for basically the whole day will half a day since we woke up at noon :)
Maybe i'll do a dance cover with her once she learns all the moves? ^^

I then did clown makeup on Helen :)
Hehe i'm sorry Helen for making you look like this.....T^T

That concludes my time with this zombie
Hope you enjoyed this post :)
Baibaiiii ~~!

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