Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A step into the real world ^^

Annyeongm :)
So as i mentioned in my preevious posts, over the last week of the holz and first week of term 3, i spent most of my time going over to my mum's office to complete my 30 hours of volunteering although they just counted me as work experience..but yea as long as i dont get payed its the same thing :)

Where did i work? I believe they are called the Queensland Government, Department of Communities Disability Services

My work there mostly included:
-database entries
-fixing errors in databases
-photocopying (A LOT)
-organising files
-reorganising files that are in the wrong place

Luckily they did tell me to make coffee for them because i would probably get fired from giving them uneatable coffee @.@

Anyway, yea the jobs they gave me weren't that hard but they had a lot of expectation for me since my mum is like really smart with excel, access and everything..

but again, luckily i completed everything they threw at me without any real problems xD

This is my workplace :)

My desk:

Pretty good environment right? :D

The places i spent quite a lot of time at:
File cabinets that i had to reorganize in alphabetical order T^T

And the printer room that i spent a good couple of hours in while photocopying and also lip syncing and dancing to kpop xD
I thought no one saw me but apparently they did....because they told my mum.... heol

Kitchen + the vending machine that comforted me throughout the days of hard work while also making me fat T^T

A big part of my job was to register the customer's details into the database and also create a file for them with all their information in it so that it could be put into the cabinets^^^

On my first day, it was actually so confusing to find all thr data that was required for the database but then i got better and faster hehe
As a record, I took pictures of the files i made up each day so i could admire all the work i did hahaha

These are only the files for 4 days as i didn't get the chance to copy photos from my phone onto my laptop because my phone unexpectedly broke down T.T
So yes i am now stuck with my old phone that cant do anything =_=
But you guys probably don't care how many files i make anyway..>.>

Waiting for mummy pig to finish work and go home :)

Oh and here's the pass that allowed me to walk around proudly hehe
well not that proudly since it only says visitor pass.....

And to complete my work experience, selfies after work!

So that's pretty much it for my 2 weeks of work experience..

Sorry if this post is too guys probably aren't that interested in what i do at work..>.< but to me it was quite a valueable experience and was a lot of fun too! :D

K i shall end it here. BAIII~!

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