Monday, April 15, 2013

My DAEBAK Holiday :)

So over Easter holidays, i had a few events with friends and family but i had too many assignments to do and couldn't blog about any of them -.-
So...even though i should be doing my english which i havent even started yet, i shall go through all the events in one post keke ^^

Outing One: ICE SKATING!! :)
At that time i had no intentions of blogging so i didn't take any photos :(
BUT luckily i can steal pictures off my friend's blog haha 
We had lots of fun and i actually fell (i normally never fall) because one of my friends pushed me T.T 
Anyways here are some pictures :)

1: idk what we were doing..

2: Being shameless asians
haha they recently added a big screen for everyone to see themselves skate but us being awesome :P ended up standing in front of the camera to take photos of ourselves on the big screen :)
I'm not gonna lie it was pretty embarrassing and some people were looking at us weirdly but i went through with it although in the end, the picture didn't even turn out that good as you can see -.- sigh

3: Groupies

haha this is actually a really nice photo except Caline who was standing still like everyone else decided to slip right when the photo was taken =_=

Since that didn't work out we decided to take another one and CALINE MANAGED TO NOT FALL xD

Us being retards with the penguin thingy that was meant to be for little kids who cant skate haha

Another groupie with the penguin thingy plus Caline in the process of falling again but this time onto my back lolz

Outing Two: Primary Outing
I am in year eleven now so its been a while since i've seen my primary school friends :( so i facebooked them and planned a outing! 
So the people who went that day were Justeen, Sonia, Alice, Carmen and Marisol and Carmen's brother and his friends.... :L
We went to City and did karaoke and then went to pancake manor :3 SO YUMMY
Sadly, again back then i had no intentions of blogging so i didn't bother to take pictures and even though i normally would take a few selfies, my friends were being gay and refused to take pictures so blame them for no pictures from that outing T.T
BUT i do have stickie photos of Sonia and Alice so i shall show you them even though these were from 2 years ago...:)

Sorry for the blurry-ness @.@

i swear my hair has stopped growing =_=

Outing Three: A miracle
Firstly, lets go back a few weeks :)
One day after school i went to the library to study but couldn't find any seats at the study area i normally go to so i went to the kid's section with all the toys and stuff. 
While i was watching 'The bully project' (a documentary i had to watch for my English assignment) i noticed this really cute baby who would just stand behind me watching what's on the screen and i who had no idea he was there stretched my arms and nearly smacked him in the stomach o.O haha
At first i just said hello~ and kinda just went back to watching my documentary when he gave me no response D:
But then he kept coming over to poke my phone(?) and because he was so interested, i gave it to him to play 
(im so nice arent my keke) 
but then


and i couldn't even blame him since he was just a baby so i just awkwardly smiled at him and took my phone back hahaha ~~
In the end, i somehow started taking selfies with him cause he was just soooo cute xD

haha in the last photo i like gently pushed his face towards me cause he wasn't looking at the camera :P 

ok so all of that was just a introduction for the baby
here is the real miracle.
Last week my family went to my dad's new friend's house and....ready?

my face when i saw him:
hahahaha oh jonghyun xD

So later i found out his name but short term memory struck again so i could only remember his little name: qiqi (chinese)

I played with him after dinner and only when i was walking out of their house, i realised i forgot to take more pictures of him T^T

Outing Four: A trip to the mountains :L
Let me just start off by saying that my dad, REALLY REALLY REALLY likes the smell of mountains....i guess this is because back in china, there were a lot of mountains near where i live but i'm not saying i lived in a mountain lol
So once he found out there was a mountain about 2 hours away from where we live now, we ended up going there TWICE this holiday -.-

The first time we went, we visited this tourist attraction place about glow worms. Glow worms are basically worms with wings that has a bum that can light up like fireflies xD 
And they can only be found in Australia and New Zealand so they are actually pretty rare.

So yea when my mum told us we were going into a cave to see glow worms, i wasn't exactly keen since i am terrified of any sort of insects T^T
But since she already ordered the tickets online....i had no choice ;_;

While we were waiting for the tour to start, my mum showed me the introductory brochure and they had a image of a glow worm:
 Did they really expect me to believe that worms could be that cute? 
By the time we got to the cave i had my hoodie on cause i was scared that a worm would suddenly drop onto me or something @.@
The cave was especially made to keep the glow worms safe and it looks like this:

I think i had a really unimpressed expression or something when i walked through that door because the tour guide actually told me not to worry as the glow worms will always stay on the wall. PHEW

So inside the cave it was completely dark because the glow worms can't be exposed to light...EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE LIGHTS ON THEMSELVES?
So as you can imagine, we couldn't take any photos but google takes care of everything xD

It basically looked like that except in the place that we went to there were no water and boats
But yea it looks very pretty kinda like stars and one fact that tour guide told us that i found pretty cute was that the brightness of the lights depends on how hungry the worms are so when the workers come to feed them the brighter ones get the food first haha 

So...overall it was very pretty but i still wish they weren't worms....

Jajjang~! glow in the dark wrist bands!
i got the one that says OMG and my mum got the happy one :)
My dad saw us buying them and he said that only idiots buy those :O
but we ignored him and got it anyways xD

haha you can see my shinee wrist bands next to it :D
hmmm..maybe i should do a post on all my shinee merchandises? keke

So after that we looked for a place to eat lunch and we ended up having fish and chips cause it was close to where we were parking :)
Now, the taste of the food was pretty OK but the comment
They sure took their time to make the food and when we got it,
after going into caves and all that you can imagine that my hands aren't exactly clean so..i ended up using the wrapping paper as mini finger glovers lolzz
Once again i had a unimpressed expression and my mum said its probably because the shop is on a mountain and can't get supplies 
There was a huge shopping centre like 2 minutes away from them =_=
-more unimpressed expression-
But i guess overall it was a fun day :)

The second time we went, which is today, we only had one activity...CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN

I have climbed mountains in china before but there were stairs built so that visitors can walk properly but this time...there was nothing.
No stairs, no railing, no nothing. T^T
And to add onto that it rained before we got there so it was pretty slippery 
but my mountain-loving dad said i won't get dinner if i don't go with them...:(
So i went and you won't believe the amount of times i nearly slipped and scare myself to death because the pathway was only like 60cm wide WITH NO RAILING

This was one of the safer areas that i dared to stop and take photos -.-

So you must be wondering where the path is going?
Well the point is to go see the waterfall that's hidden in the mountain
so after all the slipping and heart attacks 
WE HEARD THE WATER SOUND if you know what i mean..

So we picked up our pace while expecting to see

But when we got there?
we saw

that is NOT a waterfall OK

We were so dissatisfied that we actually stayed on the viewing deck for quite a while not saying anything..trying to accept reality..-sigh-

But we manged to get back to the car again after blaming my dad for making us walk all the super scary path to see that tiny THING

On the way we had a pretty amazing view though

so i guess that kinda made up for it....A BIT

Ok that concludes my holiday...I start school again tomorrow T^T actually i start today because it already 12:13am now haha
so tired lah
KK I shall end this post with the bunch of selfies i took on the 4 hour drive xD


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