Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Life Through A Camera I

Hello my pretty little liars readers!
Hehe i don't know why i did that....PLL jut suddenly popped into my head >.>
I have finally finished all my exams and assignments and on top of that, I FINISHED YEAR 11! 
Words canNOT express my excitement right now i tell you!

So the point is, I  am now back from war with year 11 and i have claimed VICTORY!
For now....let's see if i still have victory when the results come out shall we?
But for now i am damn happy and  can finally start blogging again! 
hahaha stay in tune for my awkward vlogz!

Did you like my ones sticker? :D

That, actually leads to my next discovery keke
so if you are a SHINee fan, you probably know that they recently released a set of stickers for BAND which is a korean version of Facebook pretty much.
And me being me had to have them right?
So after like 3 days i finally found a website that had all the stickers in HD :)

Expect to see these A LOT in the future hehehehe

Outing with Selina, Li-lynn, Lily, Nim, Anuki right after blocks on FRIFRI!
Li-lynn is behind the camera ehhh
Pictures stolen from Selina keke
Excuse the messy hair and red cheeks...I literally ran from school to Passion tree to meet up with them before they left for karaoke =_=

Li-lynn and Lily with her purple ends!!! @.@

First time taking stickies after like a whole year!
my eyes look scary lah xD

So how has your holidays been? you might ask
well, let me tell you exactly what i did on the first day of my holz.
Warning: don't be too jelly of the fun that i had.
hehehehe THAT is one of the purchases i made when i went overseas last holidays and i am very happy with it except that it has these childish stars sewed on in bright colours all over the piece of clothing. (hehe i will reveal what it is in my hauls :D )
So basically my whole day was spent on snipping the threads and taking out all the're jelly right?

Now, of course i didn't do the operation in silence. I had my k-drama right next to me! 
Lately, i've been watching "Secret" which i started last Thursday and finished yesterday (Saturday). 
It is an epic drama i tell you. I place it right behind my all time favourite drama "I hear your voice".
Who agrees with me???? ^___^
This drama is actually perfect! from the plot, the cast to the OST. I love it to bits :D even though it made me cry buckets of tears T^T
That guy on the left is the most hateful person OMG i know it's only a drama but... 
-sigh- you will understand if you watch the drama :L

Decided give my glasses another try yesterday just for fun..
^ Photo from ages ago when i first got them just because i cant be bothered to take a photo hehe
And because i look like a hobo right now...xD
if you really want to know, try imagining this:
- hair is pulled up into a super messy bun right on the top of my head
- in my PJ's with my dad's coat over me (its cold OK)
- no pants..oops (I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who doesn't like to wear pants at home ok?) 
- Ipad next to me, catching up with "The Heirs"
- Empty chip and seaweed packs next to the laptop

An update on my Easyway hiring process!
I have a initial test on Wednesday. They will be testing me on the recipes for milk teas, milk shakes, frappes and chillers! That is like 40 different recipes that involve ingredients i've never even heard of T^T
This is by far harder than studying for exams.
So far i can only remember half of the milk tea screwed....-sigh- 

Lastly, to wrap up this post, I shall express my loneliness :D
Who has watched Michelle Phan's new video "A guy a girl"??
Let me just say firstly they re the cutest couple ever! 
Secndly, I feel lonely!

That is it for today my lovely readers! 
I am working on the blogs i swear!
So look out for those and GOODBYE!!!!

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