Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Hello hello hello people!!!
So you are probably thinking i am finally posting my first holiday vlog but sadly i am not today....
Im going to be honest, i really dont think the vlogs will be out until the school holidays just because i really dont have time to make long posts and i dont want to just write them really quickly and ending up making my super fun experience seem really boring to you guys because of the lack of effort.....
SO anyways enough rambling!!!

From the title you can probably tell that this post is very much related to Daniel Yun from Danisvlogging!! If you dont know him, he is a youtuber who makes covers of kpop songs and he also does vlogs so yea go check him out if you wish!!

So! Helen and I were at sunnybank plaza today handing out resumes hoping to find a job for the holidays!
And so we went into Cotton On and THERE HE WAS.
Daniel was at the man's section folding t shirts.
And me being me noticed him immediately (because he was totally hot!) but at first i honestly wasn't sure because i just didn't think i would meet a youtube celeb so randomly!
So Helen went and asked him about the jobs while i just stared at his face. 
Hopefully he didn't get freaked out by me @.@
He was so nice! he explained like everything about what we should do to apply and that stuff but i wasn't really paying attention...i mean, how could i?? when a hottie was standing in front of me!!!!!
When Helen finished asking, i finally asked if he was a youtuber and he said YES!!!
I am not sure how i responded but i think i totally screamed...but it wasnt like a loud scream...i hope.......
But yea after he said yes, i told him that i was watching his videos just 2 days ago and i told him he was good looking!!!!!!!
i normally am not like this! i think i was just overly excited and was out of my mind. 
But he took pretty well like it was an ordinary thing..i mean it makes sense right? he probably gets told that on a daily basis.
And then me and Helen just went out after saying bye...............

I know what you're thing!
WTF you just left like that??!!!
Yep. That is exactly what i was thinking.
So after walking around the shopping centre for ages still squealing, me and Helen decided that we cannot! just leave like this.
We had to take a photo at least.
So we made our way back to cotton on and stood outside hiding behind this christmas tree hahahaha
And we totally wandered around there for like 20 minutes peaking at him and hiding when he turned.....I know....T^T
And i swear he saw us.....
So at the time we had our school bags and chatime in our hands and we thought that it would be really awks to like dump our bag on the floor put the drink on the counter and take a photo with him so we actually bothered to go to Morning Glory and ask if we can leave our bags there for 5 minutes......
To the lady at the shop, we are sorry for being so random but THANK YOU!!
After our bags and drinks were dealt with, we went back to the christmas tree and prepared ourselves hehe
You guys are probably thinking "why are you guys being so immature? just go and take the freaking photo!"
Well, before today i also thought i would be able to easily ask for a photo if i ever saw someone famous. BUT THAT IS TOTALLY NOT THE CASE! It actually takes so much courage to go back in and ask for a photo especially when he already saw us earlier..
And although i was the one doing the asking, Helen totally freaked out. like i had to DRAG her into the shop =_=
And when i finally asked he gladly accepted to take photos with us :D
I had my photo first and everything was going smoothly until i had to take Helen's photo...
You see, Helen's phone had a camera button and i thought i had to press that to take the photo but apparently not. Helen was telling me the whole time to just touch the screen but i was way too excited to hear her talking....
SO i tried to take the photo by pressing the button but it didn't work!!!
So i pressed harder and harder and my hand started to shake because.... i dont know....Is it a natural effect? or is it because i was just too nervous..?
But yea...so that part didn't go very well..
Me and Helen were actually talking about getting a selfie with him but we figured he'd be too freaked out so yea that didn't happen...sadly..
And we said thank you and i told him we were really big fans even though i only found out about him not too long ago and Helen didn't even know him....ehhhhhh a little white lie wouldn't hurt lah!
And then we left.
I totally collapsed after we made our way back to the christmas tree omg
Like i was literally sitting on the ground behind the tree looking at my photo....
Um, I can be a bit crazy somethings..... 0_o

So, have you read enough of my fangirling story?
Well here is the PHOTO!!!!
I think we make a pretty damn good couple dont you think?? ahaha or is it just me T^T

Ahhhhhhhh he's so hot!!!
too hot for me too handle lah!
I am actually still shaking thinking about what happened today!
Guys, i have a problem, if i fangirled this hard meeting just a youtuber, what will happen if i meet Minho?? Won't i like totally spaz and like cry or something??? 
That would not be pretty heol...

Um so here is Helen's picture

Its kind of a shame that the background is underwear hahahaha

Ok i'm pretty sure you guys have had enough of my fangirling keke

In case Dan somehow sees this, as impossible as it sounds....hey i met him today! he might just see this you know??
But yea anyways, FIGHTING! hahaha thanks for being so nice and putting up with our fangirlism keke

OK! Again sorry for being to MIA...HOLIDAYS I PROMISE!